PASSION: Remember

Read Luke 22:7-20

“’This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:24-26 NLT)

holy communion composition

Enter into the intimate setting of the upper room on that poignant Holy Thursday evening, where Jesus, surrounded by His beloved disciples, prepares to share a final meal before His impending sacrifice. The room is hushed, the mood solemn, as Jesus, fully aware of what lies ahead, sets in motion a series of profound acts that will echo through the ages.

As the disciples recline at the table, their hearts heavy with anticipation and uncertainty, Jesus rises from His place of honor, His eyes filled with love and compassion. With deliberate steps, He moves toward a basin of water and a towel, symbols of humility and servanthood.

One by one, Jesus kneels before His disciples, tenderly washing their dusty feet, a task reserved for the lowliest of servants. His hands, strong and gentle, move with purpose, cleansing away the grime of the journey and the weight of the world’s burdens. Peter, ever impulsive, protests, but Jesus, with unwavering resolve, insists, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”

In this profound act of humility and love, Jesus sets the tone for the evening, laying bare the essence of His mission on earth. By washing the feet of His disciples, He demonstrates the radical nature of His kingdom – one founded not on power or prestige but on love and selflessness.

Having washed their feet, Jesus returns to the table, His heart heavy yet steadfast in purpose. Taking bread, He blesses it and breaks it, offering it to His disciples with the words, “This is my body given for you.” Then, He takes the cup, a symbol of the new covenant sealed in His blood, and shares it with them, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, poured out for you.”

In these simple yet profound gestures lies the heart of Christian communion. Jesus, in His sacrificial love, invites His followers to partake in a tangible remembrance of His impending sacrifice. Through the bread and wine, believers are united with Christ, sharing in His death and resurrection, and becoming participants in the new covenant of grace.

The Last Supper account in Luke 22:7-20 encapsulates pivotal moments in the life and ministry of Jesus. Through the act of washing the disciples’ feet and the institution of the Eucharist, Jesus establishes foundational practices for His followers. His washing of their feet exemplifies radical humility and servant leadership, while the sharing of bread and wine becomes a tangible means of remembering and participating in His sacrificial death and resurrection.

The Last Supper challenges believers to emulate the humility, love, and sacrificial service modeled by Jesus. It invites us to participate fully in the sacramental life of the Church, particularly in the celebration of the Eucharist, where we remember and partake in Christ’s sacrifice for our redemption. Additionally, it calls us to embrace a paradigm of servant leadership in our interactions with others, following the example set by Jesus Himself.

As we reflect on the events of this Holy Thursday, let us enter into the sacred account of the Last Supper with hearts open to its profound significance. May we partake in the Eucharist with reverence and gratitude, embracing the call to embody Christ’s sacrificial love in our own lives.

The Last Supper invites us to embrace the sacrificial love of Christ and to live out its implications in our daily lives, embodying humility, service, and love for one another.

Dear Lord, as I remember the Last Supper, deepen my understanding of Your sacrificial love. Help me mirror Your humility and selflessness in my relationships. Amen.

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