Tag Archives: wholeness

Gospel Impact

Read Acts 8:26-40

“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, ‘How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!'” (Romans 10:14-15 NLT).

The story of Philip and the Ethiopian official in Acts 8:26-40 shows us how God can arrange special meetings and how powerful the message of Jesus is. Philip, told by an angel, meets the official from Ethiopia while traveling on a deserted road. With God’s help, Philip explains the Bible to him, and the official becomes a believer and gets baptized. This story reminds us that God is in control of important meetings and highlights the importance of sharing the good news with those who are searching.

Billy Graham, a well-known evangelist, is a great example of someone who spread God’s word far and wide. Just like Philip, he felt called by God to tell people about Jesus. Graham traveled all over, speaking to millions, and many people decided to follow Jesus because of him.

Graham’s work lines up with what we read in Acts 8:26-40 and Romans 10:14-15. He knew it was urgent to tell people about Jesus because that’s how people come to believe. By preaching, he gave hope to many, showing how important it is to obey God’s call to share the good news.

The story of Philip and the Ethiopian official reminds us to pay attention when God opens doors for us to share the good news of Jesus. Just like Philip and Graham, we’re supposed to be channels of God’s love, telling others about Jesus, especially those who are looking for answers.

We can follow their lead by listening to the Holy Spirit and looking for chances to talk about Jesus with people we know. Whether it’s having meaningful conversations, doing kind things for others, or sharing our own experiences with God, we can show His love in action.

We should also ask God to give us boldness and courage to speak up confidently, knowing that He’ll use our efforts to make a difference in people’s lives. Just as Philip and Graham faithfully preached the Gospel, we can do our part in sharing the good news and helping others become followers of Jesus.

The account of Philip and the Ethiopian official shows us how God can bring people together in amazing ways and how powerful the message of Jesus is. Because of people like Philip and Billy Graham who listened to God and shared the good news, many lives have been changed for the better. As followers of Jesus, let’s also be faithful in telling others about Him and helping them find faith in Him too. By doing so, we will make a Gospel impact on the world.

God can use ordinary individuals to accomplish extraordinary purposes when we are willing to obediently follow His leading and share the Gospel with others.

Lord, thank you for the example of faithful messengers like Philip and Billy Graham who have faithfully proclaimed the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Help us to be obedient to your leading and bold in sharing the message of salvation with those around us. May your Holy Spirit empower us to be effective witnesses for Christ. Amen.

Be Like Atticus

Read 1 John 3:16-24

“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13 NLT).

In “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Atticus Finch teaches us about love through his actions. Atticus is a lawyer in a small town facing racial prejudice. He takes on the defense of Tom Robinson, a black man falsely accused of a crime. Despite threats and challenges, Atticus remains steadfast in his pursuit of justice, showing his children, Scout and Jem, what true love and courage look like.

Atticus’s example mirrors what we read in 1 John 3:16-24. It’s not enough to just talk about love; we must show it through our actions. Atticus does this by risking his reputation and safety to defend an innocent man. He lives out Jesus’s teaching of laying down one’s life for others

Furthermore, Atticus’s steadfast dedication to fairness and kindness not only shows us how to love others just like Jesus taught, he also goes against what society thinks is right and stands up against unfair treatment, proving that love goes beyond differences and requires us to do something when we see unfairness happening.

Atticus challenges us to think about how we show love in our lives. Are we willing to stand up for what’s right, even when it’s hard? Are we willing to help those in need, even if it costs us something? Atticus’s example urges us to move beyond our comfort zones and actively demonstrate love in tangible ways.

We can do this by speaking out against injustice, reaching out to those who are hurting, and supporting causes that promote equality and compassion. Love isn’t just a feeling; it’s a choice to act in the best interest of others, just as Jesus did for us.

Moreover, our actions reflect our faith. When we obey God’s commandments and love others as Jesus did, we show that God’s love is alive in us. This brings us confidence and assurance in our relationship with God.

Atticus Finch’s story challenges us to live out our faith in practical ways. Let’s follow his example of sacrificial love and courage. By doing so, we reflect the love of Christ to the world around us and experience the peace and confidence that come from living in obedience to God’s commandments.

Love is more than words; it’s about action. Let’s show love to others through our deeds and bring glory to God.

Lord, help us to love like Atticus Finch, with actions that reflect your love for us. Give us the courage to stand up for what’s right and the compassion to help those in need. May our lives be a testament to your love and grace. Amen.


Read Acts 4:5-12

“Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me'” (John 14:6 NLT)  

In Acts 4:5-12, we are transported to a tense moment in the early days of the Christian church. Peter and John, filled with the Holy Spirit, stand before the religious authorities, boldly proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ as the source of their healing power. Despite the threats and opposition they faced, they fearlessly declared that salvation is found in no one else but Jesus. Their faith was unshakeable, their courage unwavering. This passage serves as a powerful reminder of our salvation through Jesus Christ and the unwavering faith of the early disciples.

Reflecting on this passage brings to mind the film “Risen,” where we witness a Roman military tribune named Clavius embark on a journey of discovery. Initially tasked with disproving the resurrection of Jesus, Clavius encounters undeniable evidence of the risen Christ. His encounter with the truth transforms him from a skeptic to a believer. Just as Clavius’s journey led him to an unshakeable faith in Jesus, we too are called to anchor our faith in the resurrected Savior.

The encounter of Peter and John with the religious authorities showcases the courage and conviction of the early disciples. Despite the opposition and threats of persecution, they boldly proclaimed the name of Jesus Christ as the means of salvation. Their confidence stemmed not from their own abilities but from their intimate relationship with the risen Christ. This passage emphasizes the foundational truth of Christianity: salvation is found in Jesus alone. The rejection of Jesus as the cornerstone by the religious leaders echoes the rejection He faced during His earthly ministry. Yet, just as He became the chief cornerstone, so too is He the cornerstone of our faith today.

In “Risen,” Clavius’s journey mirrors the journey of many skeptics and seekers throughout history. His initial skepticism gives way to curiosity, leading him on a quest for truth. As he encounters the reality of Jesus’ resurrection, his worldview is transformed, and he embraces the truth of the Gospel. This journey highlights the transformative power of encountering the risen Christ. Like Clavius, we are called to seek truth earnestly, knowing that ultimately, it leads us to Jesus.

As followers of Christ, we are called to embody the same unwavering faith and courage displayed by Peter and John. Our faith should not be shaken by opposition or doubt but firmly anchored in the person and work of Jesus Christ. In practical terms, this means:

We should stand firm in our convictions, boldly proclaiming the truth of the Gospel in a world that often opposes it. Our confidence should not be in ourselves but in the power of Christ working through us.

We should actively seek truth, immersing ourselves in Scripture, prayer, and fellowship with other believers. As we deepen our understanding of who Jesus is and what He has done for us, our faith becomes more grounded and unshakeable.

We should share the Gospel with others, just as Peter and John did. Our lives should be a testament to the transformative power of the Gospel, inviting others to encounter the risen Christ for themselves.

In a world filled with uncertainty and opposition, our faith in Jesus Christ remains unshakeable. Like Peter and John, may we boldly proclaim the truth of the Gospel with courage and conviction. As we anchor our faith in the resurrected Savior, may we also embody His love and grace in all that we do.

Our faith in Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of our lives, unshakeable and unwavering in the face of opposition.

Lord, strengthen our faith and embolden us to proclaim the truth of the Gospel with courage and conviction. May our lives reflect the transformative power of encountering the risen Christ. Amen.

April 21, 2024 – Newton UMC – Sunday Worship Livestream

JOY Fellowship Worship Service in Holland Hall: 9:00 a.m.

Worship service streams live at 9:00 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Worship service streams live at 10:30 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Welcome to our live-streamed Sunday Worship Services for April 21, 2024. Today we discover that as human beings, we tend to think the world revolves around us! As scripture opens our eyes to the fullness of God’s creation, let us consider a shift in perspective. We are but one part of God’s magnificent creation. What does creation tell us if we listen?

Please support us by giving online: https://tithe.ly/give?c=1377216 or https://paypal.me/newtonumc Or you can make and mail a check out to First UMC of Newton, 111 Ryerson Ave., Newton, NJ O7860

God bless you all for your generosity which is vital to our mission and ministry.

Beloved Children

Read 1 John 3:1-7

“For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26 NLT).

The Greatest Showman, the Most Magical Musical of the Year | VogueIn the vibrant world of “The Greatest Showman,” we’re transported to a realm of wonder and spectacle, where P.T. Barnum builds a circus to showcase society’s outcasts and misfits. Among the diverse cast of characters, we witness a powerful narrative of identity, acceptance, and the transformative power of love.

Just as P.T. Barnum’s circus becomes a family for those who find belonging nowhere else, 1 John 3:1-7 reminds us that as believers, we are part of a divine family—a family of God’s beloved children. In the movie, characters like the bearded lady, the acrobat with a disability, and the black trapeze artist face rejection and discrimination in society. Yet within the circus community, they find acceptance, love, and a sense of belonging.

Similarly, as children of God, we may encounter rejection and adversity in the world, but in Him, we find unconditional love and acceptance. The passage from 1 John underscores the depth of God’s love for us, declaring that we are His children, lavished with His love.

John urges us to live in a manner befitting our identity as God’s children, walking in righteousness and rejecting sin. This call to holiness is not a burden but a privilege—a testament to the transformative power of God’s love in our lives. Just as the characters in “The Greatest Showman” are transformed by the love and acceptance they find in the circus community, so too are we transformed by God’s love, becoming more like Him each day.

Let’s delve deeper into the parallels between “The Greatest Showman” and the biblical truths found in 1 John 3:1-7.

In the movie, P.T. Barnum[1], portrayed by Hugh Jackman, is driven by a desire to prove himself and provide for his family. Despite facing ridicule and criticism from society, he dares to dream big and creates a space where individuals from all walks of life can come together and be celebrated for who they are.

Similarly, as children of God, we are called to embrace our identity with boldness and confidence. Regardless of our past failures or present circumstances, we are loved unconditionally by our Heavenly Father. Like P.T. Barnum, who sees the potential and worth in each of his performers, God sees the beauty and value in each of His children.

The characters in “The Greatest Showman” undergo personal transformation as they journey from feeling marginalized and misunderstood to embracing their unique identities and talents. They find belonging and purpose within the circus community, where they are accepted and celebrated for who they are.

Similarly, as believers, we are called to undergo a transformation—a renewing of our minds and hearts as we embrace our identity as children of God. This transformation is made possible by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live lives that reflect the love and character of Christ.

Just as the characters in “The Greatest Showman” find strength and courage in their newfound sense of belonging, so too do we find strength and courage in our identity as children of God. We are no longer slaves to fear or insecurity but are empowered to live boldly and confidently, knowing that we are loved unconditionally by our amazing God.

As we reflect on the themes of identity, acceptance, and transformation found in “The Greatest Showman,” let’s allow them to deepen our understanding of the profound truths contained in 1 John 3:1-7. May we embrace our identity as beloved children of God and live lives that reflect Christ’s love and grace to the world around us.

Our identity as children of God shapes how we view ourselves and interact with others. Let’s embrace the truth of God’s love and live confidently in our identity as His beloved children.

Heavenly God, thank You for adopting us into Your family and loving us abundantly. Help us live righteously and share Your love. Amen.

[1] It’s important to note that the real-life P.T. Barnum was more complex and nuanced than the movie portrays. He was a controversial figure known for his showmanship and promotion of hoaxes, yet he also championed causes such as abolitionism and women’s suffrage. While the movie takes creative liberties, we can still glean valuable insights from its themes of identity, acceptance, and transformation.

The Gate of Transformation

Read Acts 3:12-19

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2 NLT).

In the busy streets of Jerusalem, amidst the rhythmic sounds of footsteps and market chatter, there stood a man—crippled from birth—whose world centered around the gate of the temple. Each day found him there, his eyes pleading for alms, his body unable to rise without assistance. This gate was his home, his stage, his place of despair.

Enter Peter and John, two disciples of the risen Christ. Their strides were purposeful, their hearts attuned to the needs around them. As they approached the temple gate, they encountered the crippled man, his outstretched hand a silent plea for mercy.

“Silver or gold I do not have,” Peter declared, his voice carrying a weight of divine authority, “but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

And with those words, a miracle unfolded before the eyes of all who watched. The man, once bound by the chains of disability, now stood upright, his legs strong beneath him, his heart filled with wonder and praise.

The crowd erupted in astonishment, their voices rising in a chorus of amazement. But Peter, ever humble, redirected their gaze from the spectacle to the source of all power and goodness—Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

In the midst of this miraculous moment, Peter seized the opportunity to preach the Gospel. He spoke of God’s faithfulness throughout history, of His promise to send a Redeemer who would bring salvation and restoration to His people. And as he spoke, hearts were stirred, souls were awakened, and lives were forever changed.

But Peter’s message went beyond mere proclamation; it carried with it a call to action. He urged the crowd to repent of their sins, to turn away from their old way of life, and to embrace the forgiveness and transformation found in Jesus Christ.

This message of repentance and forgiveness resonates just as powerfully today as it did centuries ago. We, too, stand in need of healing and restoration, crippled by our own sin and brokenness. But the good news is that Jesus Christ offers us hope and new life.

So, what does this mean for us in our daily lives? It means embracing humility, recognizing that any gifts or abilities we possess are given to us by God for His glory. It means seizing opportunities to share the love and truth of Jesus Christ with those around us, just as Peter did at the temple gate. And it means responding to the call to repentance, turning away from our sins and turning towards God, who offers us forgiveness and transformation.

As we reflect on this story of healing and hope, may we be inspired to be vessels of God’s grace and agents of His transformation in a world that is desperate for the healing touch of Jesus Christ.

In the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, may we never lose sight of the hope and healing found in Jesus Christ.

Lord, thank You for the story of the crippled man at the temple gate—a powerful reminder of Your ability to transform lives and bring hope to the hopeless. Help us to be instruments of Your grace and agents of Your transformation in the world around us. Amen.

April 14, 2024 – Newton UMC – Sunday Worship Livestream

JOY Fellowship Worship Service in Holland Hall: 9:00 a.m.

Worship service streams live at 9:00 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Worship service streams live at 10:30 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Welcome to our live-streamed Sunday Worship Services for April 14, 2024. Today we learn that in resurrecting, Jesus gives us hope for new life. This hope is life and joy for all creation!

Please support us by giving online: https://tithe.ly/give?c=1377216 or https://paypal.me/newtonumc Or you can make and mail a check out to First UMC of Newton, 111 Ryerson Ave., Newton, NJ O7860

God bless you all for your generosity which is vital to our mission and ministry.

Plugged In

Read 1 John 1:1-2:2

“Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:4-5 NLT).

In the world of “The Matrix,” Zion stands as a beacon of hope—a refuge for those awakened to the truth, a stark contrast to the illusory confines of the Matrix. Similarly, the journey of faith illuminated by the writings of John in his first letter reveals profound truths about authentic connection and fellowship.

John, the beloved disciple, invites us into a tangible encounter with Jesus—the Word of life. He emphasizes the sensory experiences of sight, sound, and touch, affirming the reality of Jesus’ physical presence among them. This was not an abstract concept or distant deity but a living, breathing person whom they encountered. This parallels Neo’s awakening in the Matrix, transitioning from unawareness to profound realization.

The Apostle John’s emphasis on fellowship echoes the communal spirit of Zion. Just as the inhabitants of Zion find strength and resilience in their solidarity, so too do believers thrive through authentic fellowship rooted in Christ. This fellowship transcends mere association; it entails sharing life together, supporting one another, and growing in unity as a community of faith.

Moreover, John addresses the universal struggle with sin—a theme mirrored in the ongoing conflict between Zion and the machines in the Matrix. While Zion battles external threats, believers face an internal struggle against the pervasive influence of sin. Yet, John offers a message of hope and redemption, proclaiming that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. This cleansing is not a one-time event but an ongoing process of confession, repentance, and renewal.

Just as Zion stands as a beacon of resistance against the illusion of the Matrix, so too does the Christian community bear witness to the truth in a world shrouded by deception and falsehood. Our commitment to walking in the light of Christ’s truth distinguishes us as ambassadors of authenticity and agents of transformation in a broken world.

The character of Neo in the Matrix serves as a compelling illustration of spiritual awakening and transformation. Initially, Neo is oblivious to the reality of the Matrix, living a mundane existence devoid of purpose or meaning. However, through a series of encounters with Morpheus and other members of the resistance, Neo’s eyes are opened to the truth, and he embraces his identity as “the One.”

Similarly, the journey of faith is marked by moments of awakening—moments when we encounter the truth of Christ in a profound and personal way. These moments may come through Scripture, prayer, community, or life experiences, but they always lead to a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and who we are called to be in Him.

Just as Neo’s transformation empowers him to challenge the status quo and defy the norms of the Matrix, so too does our encounter with Christ empower us to live counter-culturally and resist the forces of darkness. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be disruptors of injustice, agents of love, and bearers of hope in a world longing for redemption.

In a culture consumed by superficiality and deception, may we be a people who embrace authentic connection, rooted in the truth of Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live boldly for His kingdom.

Lord, awaken us to Your presence and truth. Help us foster genuine fellowship, walk in Your light, resist darkness, and shine as beacons of hope and love. Amen.

One Body

Read Acts 4:32-35

“So it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other” (Romans 12:5 NLT)Why Unity? - Mission CentralIn the heart of Jerusalem, among the dusty streets and echoing temple walls, there lived a man named Elias. Elias wasn’t a wealthy merchant or a powerful politician. He was just an ordinary person turned follower of Jesus, trying to make sense of this new life he had found.

One evening, Elias gathered with fellow believers in a small room, the flickering light of oil lamps casting shadows on their faces. They had just returned from a day of preaching and healing in the streets of Jerusalem, their hearts still echoing with the cries of joy and wonder from those they had encountered.

As they settled around the room, Elias shared his reflections on the day. “Friends,” he began, “today, I saw something incredible. In the eyes of those who heard Peter’s words, I saw hope stirring. But beyond that, I saw something even more profound. I saw the power of togetherness among us, binding us together as one body.”

Deborah, a widow with a gentle smile, nodded in agreement. “Yes, Elias,” she said. “In our togetherness, we find strength. When we share not only our possessions but also our burdens and joys, we reflect the love of Christ to the world.”

Matthew, a former tax collector known for his sharp wit, chimed in, “And remember what Jesus taught us, ‘By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another’ (John 13:35). Our unity isn’t just about sharing possessions; it’s about embodying Christ’s love and compassion, even amidst our differences.”

Rebecca, a young mother holding her child close, spoke softly, “I’ve seen it too. When we come together as one family, sharing what we have with open hands, no one among us is in need. “

As they continued to share stories and insights, Elias felt a deep sense of gratitude for the community that surrounded him. They weren’t just fellow believers; they were his brothers and sisters, bound together by a love that transcended words.

This passage from Acts offers a glimpse into the early Christian community’s life, characterized by an extraordinary sense of unity and mutual support. It demonstrates that genuine faith results in tangible actions of love and care for one another, transcending individualistic tendencies.

The example set by these early believers challenges us to reflect on our own communities. Are we truly living in unity, supporting and caring for one another as the early Christians did? Or are we allowing differences and divisions to hinder our witness to the transformative power of the gospel?

Romans 12:5 reminds us that as followers of Christ, we are one body, interconnected and interdependent. Each member plays a crucial role, and our unity is essential for the body to function effectively.

In 1 Corinthians 1:10, Paul urges believers to be perfectly united in mind and thought, emphasizing the importance of harmony and agreement among the congregation. This unity doesn’t mean uniformity of opinion but rather a shared commitment to the teachings of Christ and a willingness to set aside personal preferences for the greater good of the community.

Practical application of this passage involves fostering an environment of genuine love, care, and support within our churches and Christian communities. It requires humility, forgiveness, and a willingness to prioritize the needs of others above our own. As we strive for unity in Christ, may our lives bear witness to the transformative power of love and grace, drawing others into the fold of God’s family.

In a world marked by division and discord, let us be known for our love and unity, reflecting the character of our Savior who unites us as one body.

Lord, help us to live in true unity with one another, bound together by your love and grace. May our lives testify to the power of togetherness and draw others into the fellowship of your kingdom. Amen.

April 7, 2024 – Newton UMC – Sunday Worship Livestream

JOY Fellowship Worship Service in Holland Hall: 9:00 a.m.

Worship service streams live at 9:00 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Worship service streams live at 10:30 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Welcome to our live-streamed Sunday Worship Services for April 7, 2024. Today we worship together and listen to the sermon, “Without a Doubt”, by Certified Lay Servant, Kathleen Meredith.

Please support us by giving online: https://tithe.ly/give?c=1377216 or https://paypal.me/newtonumc Or you can make and mail a check out to First UMC of Newton, 111 Ryerson Ave., Newton, NJ O7860

God bless you all for your generosity which is vital to our mission and ministry.