Tag Archives: Peace

February 4, 2024 – Newton UMC – Sunday Worship Livestream

JOY Fellowship Worship Service in Holland Hall: 9:00 a.m.

Worship service streams live at 9:00 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Worship service streams live at 10:30 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Welcome to our live-streamed Sunday Worship Services for February 4, 2024. Today we discover that In the United Methodist Church, communion is a means of grace and a holy mystery where Christ is spiritually present and the invitation is open to all.

Please support us by giving online: https://tithe.ly/give?c=1377216 or https://paypal.me/newtonumc Or you can make and mail a check out to First UMC of Newton, 111 Ryerson Ave., Newton, NJ O7860

God bless you all for your generosity which is vital to our mission and ministry.

January 28, 2024 – Newton UMC – Sunday Worship Livestream

JOY Fellowship Worship Service in Holland Hall: 9:00 a.m.

Worship service streams live at 9:00 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Worship service streams live at 10:30 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Welcome to our live-streamed Sunday Worship Services for January 28, 2024. Today we discover that in the United Methodist Church, holy conferencing focuses on the ability of laity and clergy to come together and discuss and discern difficult topics guided by the Holy Spirit, which can be a witness to the world. The local church can also engage in holy conferencing through its ministry and decision-making.

Please support us by giving online: https://tithe.ly/give?c=1377216 or https://paypal.me/newtonumc Or you can make and mail a check out to First UMC of Newton, 111 Ryerson Ave., Newton, NJ O7860

God bless you all for your generosity which is vital to our mission and ministry.

January 14, 2024 – Newton UMC – Sunday Worship Livestream

JOY Fellowship Worship Service in Holland Hall: 9:00 a.m.

Worship service streams live at 9:00 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Worship service streams live at 10:30 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Welcome to our live-streamed Sunday Worship Services for January 21, 2024. Today we discover that Salvation and a full life in Christ are seen in personal and social holiness..

Please support us by giving online: https://tithe.ly/give?c=1377216 or https://paypal.me/newtonumc Or you can make and mail a check out to First UMC of Newton, 111 Ryerson Ave., Newton, NJ O7860

God bless you all for your generosity which is vital to our mission and ministry.

Ultimate Reality

Read Ephesians 6:10-18

“We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5 NLT).

Have you ever heard of the novel Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter by author Seth Grahame Smith? If not, you may have at least remembered the film of the same name based off of the same novel. It is a story that takes well-known facts about Abraham Lincoln, facts such as the loss of his mother due to ilness at an early age, growing up in poverty, learning to read and write himself, becoming a lawyer, then a politician, then president, etc., and weaved them into an alternate reality where vampires exist and Abraham Lincoln, despite what we think we know about him, is actually a vampire hunter.

In this reality, it was vampires who caused his mom to die, it was vampires who were funding the South and feeding off of its slaves. In fact, it was that very fact that was causing freed slaves to be brought back down South, to feed the vampires on the blood of those not even the Northerners would truly care about. In this alternate reality, Lincoln vows to kill the one who killed his mom and he takes up with a rather unlikely mentor to learn how to wield his axe against more than just trees and firewood.

The whole history of Abraham Lincoln is thus seen through this lense of a world infiltrated by vampires, evil spirits that look to divide and conquer an entire nation. Of course, for a time Lincoln hangs up his axes, so-to-speak, to run for and lead the U.S of A. as President as a way of defeating the South (and thus the Vampires) through legislation; however, that quickly leads to a Civil War that the country is doomed to lose unless Lincoln embraces his Hunter past and starts to fight the enemy on its own terms.

That’s more than enough context to begin to make a point that struck me as I was thinking of this story. In fact, I rewatched the film recently to make sure I was not off point in my memory. Still, this story would seem on the surface to be a retelling of history as we know it. It would appear to present, in fact, an alternate history, one that is more based in terrifying fantasy than reality. I mean, we all know Abraham Lincoln’s history. We know the history of racism in our country, and we need not conjure up vampires to pin evil down on the segments of humanity that perpetuate it.

With that said, in some ways, I argue that our version of history is actually dead wrong, pardon the pun, and this “alternate” history is actually more real than we realize. Now, of course, I am not suggesting that Abraham Lincoln was actually a VAMPIRE HUNTER nor that vampires in the physically undead sense are actually real, however, I am suggesting that evil forces have always been at work behind the scenes. That was no different in Lincoln’s day and it is certainly no different now. Lincoln on many levels understood this and the burden that he carried as a result was very visible. He was a broken man leading a broken nation toward some semblance of unity and righteousness. An impossible task on so many levels and yet, it was the task he undertook.

Our history as we present it only paints a very limited portrait. We in the modern world are so quick to dismiss things of the spiritual realm. Even we in the church try to dismiss things that might get us Christians preceived as “out there” or “fanatics” or “crazy”. Think about it, there is nothing we can do to stop people from thinking those things anyway.

Let’s be honest, we worship a God who shed divinity, took on a male human identity, got crucified and died. That same God rose again from the dead, ascended into heaven (a place we can’t see, touch, taste, hear, or smell…let alone sense), and sits at the right hand side of, wait for it, the Father-personality of himself…and that guy, that Jesus, will come back and judge all creation (alive and dead alike). If that doesn’t sound crazy, nothing will to the average person. But to us who KNOW IT TO BE TRUE, it is ULTIMATE REALITY. What’s more, we also know that there are evil forces, demons if you will, that exist in the Spiritual realm…that we are at war with dark forces and, truthfully, we are either the hunters or the possessed when it comes to those forces.

By hunter, I don’t mean one wields an axe or any weapon other than one’s faith in Jesus Christ. We do so through reading Scripture, through prayer, through fasting, through Holy Communion, through worship and attending to all of the ordinances of God. When we participate in the life of the Holy Spirit, we are filled with a life that wages war against the spirits and principalities in this world. That war has been going since the beginning of humanity’s fall and Christ will finally return and put sin, death, and evil to an ultimate end.

So, while we know that stories such as vampire stories are fictitious on one level, they do point to a truth on a deeper and more spiritual level. Out in the world, out the hostile and cruel world, there are forces at work beyond our imagining and, truth be told, vampires do exist everywhere. Anyone or anything that lives off of you by sucking the lifeforce out of you spiritually, emotionally, or psychologically is a vampire. We don’t respond to those dark influences judgmentally, but by prayerfully and Spiritually handing them over to Christ.

Jesus Christ, as in the fictitious stories, is the antidote evil in whatever forms it presents itself and we, his heavenly ambassadors, have the power and the obligation to resist such evil at all costs. Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, understood this. The Apostles, the earliest church Fathers and Mothers, the aesthetics and mystics, as well as saints such as Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Rev. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. all understood this and paid with their lives in one form or another. Friends, let us also understand this wisdom and allow Christ to prepare us for the spiritual war that is raging.

We wage battle not with swords or spears, guns or tanks; rather with the Word of God, Jesus Christ, through our presence with and loving service to those the world shuns, the outcast, the needy and the least of these.

Lord, help me lead others to where they otherwise might not see. Help me to be a sign of your love, presence and grace to all I come in contact with. Amen.

Dance, Baby, Dance

Read 2 Samuel 6:14-22

You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!

Do you like to dance? I absolutely love to. It is not that I have taken any lessons. I think I took some tap dance lessons when I was a kid, but the only tapping I remember is what I am doing now, on the keyboard. Still, I love to dance. Bring me to a club, take me to concert, bring me to a wedding, and I will inevitably dance it up no matter how I look. I just love to move my body. Besides, is head banging any different really? I love to do both.

Every now and again, including recently, I put together a mix of music to dance. The past two have been centered on darker dance songs. What do I mean by “darker”? That is a great question, for I feel the word “dark” gets used for so many different things that it is important to define. By dark, I mean that the music focuses on deeper, more substantive subjects that relate to the struggles of being human.

These songs can and do dive into different facets of humanity, from depression to anxiety, from loneliness to sexuality. All of these songs are relatable to human life and the struggle it is to be human. Have you ever noticed that. We cling to our lives like precious gems, and they are precious gems; yet, the cost of that is the daily struggle of survival. For some of us that is easier than others, but it is a struggle all the same.

Ask yourself this: “Have I gone through life without a single struggle?” Chances are, you haven’t gone through life unscathed at all. We all have our troubles, our trials, our doubts, our fears, our insecurities. Truthfully, not even Jesus Christ went through life without all of those struggles; therefore, how can any of us expect to do so.

As such, one of the things I have learned to do is to dance through the pain. First, it is hard to feel depressed and troubled when you are moving your body joyously. When I listen to the darker songs, they are expressing my pain lyrically, but the music is carrying me through it, transcending it through exuberant, joyful, and counter-emotional movements. Now, I am able to dance physically and so I do, but dancing need not be merely a physical activity; rather, it can be a spiritual and emotional one too. Put on your favorite music, sing out loud, scream the songs out if you have to. Dance within your heart, your soul, your entire being.

Friends, there is plenty in this world to cause us to want to stop dancing; however, that is when we truly stop living. God created us to dance, to joyfully worship God and to live freely into who we are as God’s children. Whatever your dance is, whatever music it is that makes you want to move, put that on and show the world that it is going to take more than struggles to keep you from rocking and rolling.

If we do that, there will be no telling what God will do with us. Just look at King David who danced, even despite the scorn of his wife, with all his might before the Lord our God. We can do the same too, and we can do so inspite of all that the world throws our way. Sisters and brothers, let us throw off our burdens before the Lord and dance them away, allowing the Lord to fill us with eternal and everlasting joy, a joy the world can never take away.

Not today, Satan! Today I dance!

Lord, teach and help me to dance. Amen.

January 14, 2024 – Newton UMC – Sunday Worship Livestream

JOY Fellowship Worship Service in Holland Hall: 9:00 a.m.

Worship service streams live at 9:00 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Worship service streams live at 10:30 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Welcome to our live-streamed Sunday Worship Services for January 14, 2024. Today we discover that Grace is a gift from God given freely to all people, and because of this gift we are saved.

Please support us by giving online: https://tithe.ly/give?c=1377216 or https://paypal.me/newtonumc Or you can make and mail a check out to First UMC of Newton, 111 Ryerson Ave., Newton, NJ O7860

God bless you all for your generosity which is vital to our mission and ministry.

January 7, 2024 – Newton UMC – Sunday Worship Livestream

Combined Livestream Worship Service in Holland Hall: 10:30 a.m.

Worship service streams live at 10:30 a.m. EST (-500 GMT). There will be no in-person worship this Sunday due to inclement winter weather.

Welcome to our live-streamed Sunday Worship Service for January 7, 2024. Today we discover that Holy Baptism is God’s cleansing of our original sin, initiation into Christ’s Holy Church, incorporation into the body of Christ, and empowerment by the Holy Spirit for a lifelong process of discipleship in community.

Please support us by giving online: https://tithe.ly/give?c=1377216 or https://paypal.me/newtonumc Or you can make and mail a check out to First UMC of Newton, 111 Ryerson Ave., Newton, NJ O7860

God bless you all for your generosity which is vital to our mission and ministry.

REVISITED: Why Imagine?

Read Matthew 5:1-16; 6:7-15; 13:1-34; Mark 12:28-34

“As you go, proclaim the good news, ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.'” (Matthew 10:7)

Why Imagine?I was just listening to the song “Imagine” by the late, great John Lennon. The song has long since been heralded as the global anthem of world peace and was Lennon’s best selling song of his entire solo career.  The song challenges the listener to imagine a world without possessions, without war, without greed and poverty.  John takes things that are commonly held to be the cause of war and suffering, and challenges the listener to imagine a world where those things didn’t exist, which John assumes would be a world where the “world would be as one.”

At the top of John Lennon’s list of things to imagine the world without, was the notion of heaven, and conversely, the idea of hell.  To the Christian, such lyrics should make us pause. Why would John Lennon want us to imagine a world without heaven?  What would such a world be like? John then takes it one step further and ends that verse with this, “Imagine all the people living for today.”  For John Lennon, the concept of heaven is one that is foreign to this earth. It is a place far, far away; it is a place that is someplace other than this earth.

Christianity has often taught that this world is something to be discarded, that we are to await “a place that is far better than this world.” Heaven has been taught, by Christians, to be the very antithesis of Earth. Yet, in the Bible we find a different understanding of heaven.  Jesus didn’t speak of the Kingdom of Heaven as a place that was far, far away; rather, for Jesus heaven was right here, right now. Jesus taught that not only could we see and experience heaven on earth, but that we could inherit it. All that we needed to do was open our hearts to God and see the world through God’s eyes.

For Jesus, heaven and hell were the opposite sides of the same coin. As he walked the streets of Galilee and Judea, he saw hell all around him. Starvation, extreme poverty, disease, neglect, abuse, and other terrible things are all examples of the hell Jesus witness all around him. His entire country was experiencing the hell of being occupied by the oppressive and tyrannical Roman Empire.

Yet, despite all of the hell Jesus saw, he also witnessed to the very real presence of heaven in the world. When he chose to heal instead of harm, when he chose to love instead of hate, when he chose to forgive instead of bear grudges, when he chose to stand up for right rather than sit down for the status quo, he was not only witnessing to the presence of heaven but he WAS THE PRESENCE OF HEAVEN…the very presence of God in this world.

And we can be the presence of heaven too. We just need to be willing to get a little dirty, to feel a little uncomfortable and to step outside of the boxes we put ourselves in. We need to be willing to reach out and be LOVE in the lives of those around us. We need to be willing to become vulnerable, just as Jesus became vulnerable, for the sake of those around us.  To do such things is to bear witness to the reality of heaven on earth.

While John Lennon is calling for us to imagine there to be no heaven out there in the sky, he is also calling us to imagine a world in which heaven exists here on Earth.  But he has missed an important truth that Jesus has been pointing us to all along: we don’t have to imagine heaven on earth…we only have to live it.  Pointing to others not living it is not proof that it doesn’t exist. It does exist if WE choose to LIVE it!

Imagine what would happen if you stopped imagining and started living what you imagined.

Lord, I thank you for my imagination and for equipping to make what I imagine become a reality. Guide me to be your shining light, witnessing to the reality of heaven! Amen.

December 31, 2023 – Newton UMC – Sunday Worship Livestream

Combined Worship Service in the Main Sanctuary: 10:30 a.m.

Worship service streams live at 9:00 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Welcome to our live-streamed Sunday Combined Worship Service for December31, 2023. Today we prepare for a fresh start with hope.

Please support us by giving online: https://tithe.ly/give?c=1377216 or https://paypal.me/newtonumc Or you can make and mail a check out to First UMC of Newton, 111 Ryerson Ave., Newton, NJ O7860

God bless you all for your generosity which is vital to our mission and ministry.

December 24, 2024 – Newton UMC – Sunday Worship Livestream

Combined Christmas Eve Service in the Main Sanctuary: 10:30 a.m.

Worship service streams live at 9:00 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Christmas Eve Candlelight and Carols Service in the Main Sanctuary: 7:00 p.m.

Worship service streams live at 10:30 a.m. EST (-500 GMT)

Welcome to our live-streamed Sunday Worship Services for December 24, 2023. Today we discover that God invites us to face the unknown with courage, like Mary did, and that as we go, Emmanuel! God, is with us.

Please support us by giving online: https://tithe.ly/give?c=1377216 or https://paypal.me/newtonumc Or you can make and mail a check out to First UMC of Newton, 111 Ryerson Ave., Newton, NJ O7860

God bless you all for your generosity which is vital to our mission and ministry.